July 22, 2024

How to install Hyper-V on Windows

Hyper-V is a virtualization technology from Microsoft that allows you to create and run virtual machines on a physical host computer. A virtual machine (VM) is a software implementation of a physical computer, and it allows you to run multiple operating systems on a single physical machine. This can be useful for a variety of purposes, such as testing software, running legacy applications, and isolating different environments.

Since the Hyper-V role is built-in Windows, it’s very easy to enable this role. The role is not enabled by default, in this tutorial we show you how to enable the Hyper-V role on your Windows Client. Enabling this role can be done in multiple ways like DISM, PowerShell, or with the GUI. We’ll show now how to enable the Hyper-V role with the GUI.

Install Hyper-v on Windows
  1. Click on start and search for “Turn Windows Features On or Off”.

2. Select Hyper-V in the list and click on OK.

3. Sit back and relax.

NOTE: If you have any error during setup, it’s mostly because Hardware Virtualization is disabled by default.
Find HERE how to enable this and read HERE how to create your first Virtual Machine

Nick Wijnands

Hello, my name is Nick. I have a passion for Computers and i love to share my knowledge and write about it. If you have any questions, dont mind to ask them. Happy Reading.

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